

Masturbation Sex Positions

Masturbation Sex Position - Stretch and Relax :
This position is the antidote for those who tense up and never move during masturbation. Before you begin, lie on your back, and stretch your arms and legs out as far as possible, making your body into an “X” shape. Try to hold the stretch for ten seconds. Do this a few times before you begin masturbating. As you masturbate try to keep your body stretched out as much as is comfortable, think about it as if you are trying to take up as much space on the bed as you can.

Masturbation Sex Position – Knees Bent/Hips Open:
This is a classic position for masturbation. Lie on your back with your feet on your floor and knees bent. Focus on how your hips feel, and the different kinds of hip movements that are comfortable and possible in this position. A variation of this position is to bring your knees close to your chest. This position is all about rocking your hips and opening them up to the energy that is created as you masturbate.

Masturbation Sex Position - On Your Knees:
This may seem like an odd position but that is partly the point. Find a comfortable position on your knees, with a pillow underneath them. Try it with your body upright, as if standing on your knees. Be on your knees but leaning back resting on your calves You can even try to masturbate while on your hands and knees (although you’ll probably have at least one hand occupied, so be careful with your balance). The point is to see how masturbation and orgasm feels, in these different positions.

Masturbation Sex Position - Heels over Head :
Not everyone will be flexible enough for this masturbation sex position, but you can experiment with variations that will work for you. Lie on your back and bring your legs up so that they are pointing to your head. You can keep your legs together or spread them apart, you can bend your knees or keep them straight. In this position you have access not just to your genitals but also your sides, your behind, and your legs. Put a pillow under your hips

Masturbation Sex Position – Half on/Half off:
This position is designed to get you playing with gravity. In this position you want to have part of your body on a flat surface (like a bed or the floor) and another part of your body at a different level. So you might lie on your back near a wall with your legs up on the wall. Or try lying on your stomach at the edge of the bed with your waist and legs off the bed. Or masturbate while sitting up completely straight, so that your upper torso is sitting up and your lower body is lying flat.

Masturbation Sex Position – Dancing on the Walls
Lie on your back either on bed or the floor, but right by a wall. Position your waist so that your bum is right by the wall, and raise your legs going straight up the wall (it’s like that “bicycle” exercise position). A variation of this is to keep your bum slightly away from the wall and put your feet flat against the wall with your knees bent (so that when you push with your feet you are moving your body away from the wall). This position is another good one for exploring hip movements, and you can experiment with pushing against the wall with your feet as you masturbate.

Masturbation Sex Position - All Curled Up and Nowhere to Go
This position for masturbation is about drawing your body in on itself. You can curl up on your side, on your back, or on your hands and knees. In each position your genitals are still exposed and it’s easiest to use a sex toy for masturbating in these positions. You may not notice much while masturbating in this position, but once you’ve finished, stretch out, and pay close attention to how your body feels.

Exploring Taboo Fantasy Through Masturbation

Art Masturbation. The fact that masturbation is private and that you are the only person you need to consider when masturbating, means it can be an excellent place to explore the limits of your sexual desires. We live in a culture with strong sexual taboos, which we learn almost invisibly from an early age. While many would never want to have sex that might fall into a cultural taboo category, most of us have imagined it at different times.

Masturbation can be a safe place to check out the less socially desirable sexual fantasies you may have, and see if they work for you.
Remember that what you fantasize about sexually is not the same thing as what you consensually choose to do in real life. Many sex educators and therapists would say that any sexual fantasy is okay, providing that you don’t carry out sexual behaviors that are harmful to yourself or others.

So don’t just let your mind wander to the familiar scenarios while you masturbate, try and push your mental powers a bit (using sex toys and dirty talk can definitely help) and shine a light on the corners of your sexual fantasies that you might never share with others.

Finding your sexual limits can be a very healthy part of our ongoing sexual development. Knowing where your limits are is one of the best ways of knowing where you want to go in real life sexual situations. It can also help you communicate with partners about what is and isn’t okay for you in a sexual scenario.

Voyeur Self Masturbation

Art Masturbation. If you’re looking for basic information on masturbating, check out masturbation techniques for men and masturbation techniques for women.

Think back to the last time you masturbated. If you’re sighted, are your eyes usually closed? If you like to read erotic fiction, watch adult films, or look at magazines or comics, when you’re nearest to the point of release or orgasm, where are you looking? For those of us with low or no vision, the question is similar, but where is your attention drawn to?

There’s no research to guide us here, but there are many who don’t take full advantage of the emotional, psychological, and even spiritual possibilities of masturbation.
The fastest way to do it, is to start watching yourself.

Next time you masturbate try to have a mirror nearby. If you’re not comfortable looking at your whole body, just have a mirror you can see your face in. Look at yourself in the mirror while you’re masturbating. You don’t have to stare yourself down, but consider it a way of checking in, and discovering masturbation from a new angle The effects can vary:

* You may get extra turned on just by seeing yourself all hot and bothered
* You may find that seeing yourself helps you tune inward, becoming aware of thoughts and feelings that are floating through your mind and body as you self-pleasure
* You may notice things about the way your body moves when you masturbate, that you can play with or accentuate which can change the way masturbation feels
* You may feel silly at first, and find yourself criticizing your body

If your reactions fall into that last category, don’t force the mirror exercise. But this technique can be a great way to work on negative body image too. It means you need to go slowly and make a serious effort to stop being self-critical and start telling yourself positive things about yourself.

Another way to take masturbation to a new level is to start masturbating in front of your partner. Starting by watching yourself is always a good idea, and can make it feel less risky when you try to bring masturbation into your partner sex.

Using Sex Toys for Stimulation and Fantasy in Masturbation

If you’re looking for basic information on masturbating, check out masturbation techniques for men and masturbation techniques for women.

More and more people are getting comfortable introducing sex toys into their sexual routine. And while sex toys aren’t required for great sex, they can help take masturbation to a new level in at least two ways:

1. Because sex toys provide physical stimulation that no human can, the result can be a sexual thrill like none you’ve experienced before.
2. Sex toys can also add to sexual fantasy with masturbation. If you’re fantasizing about penetrative sex with a partner, using a vibrator, dildo, or anal toy can add to, and make more real, the fantasy element of the masturbation.

Some people assume that the only sex toys good for masturbation are vibrators.
They’re missing out! Almost any sex toy can be used by yourself, including:

* Nipple clamps
* Dildos
* Anal toys
* Penis rings
* And of course, lubricant

Remember that masturbation is an expression of self love, so spending a little bit of money on a sex toy is a good thing. If you’re confused by all the options, make sure to start with a reputable sex store and ask lots of questions.